The GitHub repository named getting-started-with-ezvis has an example to quickly see what can be done with ezVIS.

Get example

To get the example, several methods are available:

  • git clone

    $ git clone

  • zip: get the zip file and unzip it.

  • tar.gz: get the tar.gz and unzip it:

    $ tar xvzf getting-started-with-ezvis-master.tar.gz

Visit one example

Then go into the repository from the Command Prompt:

$ cd getting-started-with-ezvis

Then launch ezVIS's web server:

$ ezvis films

and point your browser to http://localhost:3000/.

The file in the films directory (films.csv) is loaded into MongoDB at ezVIS launching. Then it is served in the form of a web report:

Principle for laoding and visualizing data with ezVIS

Both loader and web application are configurated in the films.json.

If you want to go farther, take a look at the films.json file, which contains all the report's configuration (which is explained later in this documentation).

And there are more examples (often including data) in the showcase.